Input Modules

Input Modules

Input Modules

The Ascom Telligence input modules make it easy to connect to medical and non-medical devices via two independent, SafeConnect™ magnetic plugs. While connected, an LED indicates that the connection to the medical device is secure and functioning.

Medical device alarm signals can be sent from the Input Module through the Telligence patient response system directly to a caregiver handset, to ensure the notification is handled quickly. On the input module, the LED above the corresponding receptacle, illiminates bright to indicate one of three colors that match the priority setting on the Smart Adapter.* Once an alarm is sent, it is persistent, meaning it can't be reset remotely, requiring a visit in person to address the event.


Connect to medical devices and non-medical devices to deliver alarm notifications directly to caregivers

Fast facts
  • Two inputs for the distribution of secondary alarms from third party medical and/or non-medical devices
  • Secure monitoring of the electrical connections with disconnect alarm
  • Smart Adapter provides a test alarm functionality when connecting medical devices to ensure proper monitoring of the device
  • High, medium and low priority input options to support multiple types of alarm needs.when connected via the Smart Adapter
  • Unintentional disconnection and cable breakaway alarm
  • The cable connects an approved medical device, equipped with a dry contact relay closure for nurse call systems, to the ascom Telligence System.
  • Monitors third-party medical devices, such as infusion pumps, ventilators, and non-medical devices, such as air-activated call cords and floor mat alarms. Changes in status triggers a call in the Ascom Telligence system to be distributed to staff consoles, mobile devices or other annunciation devices.
  • Manage up to two independent medical devices and contact-based alarm signals for remote signaling of events.
  • Disconnect button to unplug medical device without sending false alarm.
  • Persistent alarms require caregivers go to the point of the alarm, meaning no remote cancelation or reset.
  • Reduces risk of missed alarms from internal medical device tones.
